Crafting a Resilient Body and Mind for the Later Years

Episode 20
Ever fantasized about performing backflips well into your senior years? This week on Far Too Fabulous, we’re dissecting the secrets to a life filled with vigor and vitality. Your hosts, Julie and Catherine, steer you through a lively discussion about flexing your body and mind to preserve those youthful springs in your step. Discover how to take control of your health, tackle injuries and conditions head-on, and stitch consistency into the fabric of your daily habits for long-term luster. By the end of our chat, you’ll be brimming with strategies to keep your independence polished and ready for the years ahead.

Loosen up those joints and get ready for a chuckle, because we’re also putting the spotlight on the ‘use it or lose it’ philosophy, sprinkled with personal tales and a dash of humor. We’re not just talking about keeping on the move; we’re talking about embracing the “four legs of the chair” of wellbeing: sleep, nutrition, hydration, and movement. And yes, we’ll show you how to dodge the ageism trap with a positive mindset and a thirst for learning new skills to keep that brain sharp. Join us, share your triumphs on our Facebook page, and let’s commit to a future where our health is as fabulous as our laughter.

Got a question or comment? Send us a text message here!

If we’re being honest, most of us don’t think about our brain health until it’s too late.

According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, there are 10 million new cases of dementia each year worldwide…

I don’t want you or anyone you love to be part of these statistics.

That’s why I’ve created a FREE download for you with tips to support your brain health.


Thank you for listening.

You can continue the
conversation with us in the Far 2 Fabulous Facebook group. Come and connect with other women on a journey to empowered health.

For more information about Julie Clark Nutrition, click HERE
For more information about Catherine Chapman, click HERE

As Julie said at the beginning of the show, she has created a fun, free download to Boost your Brain. So click here to take part in Brain Bingo!

We look forward to you joining us on the next episode.

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